Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Homemade sushi :D

Hi everyone, sorry I`ve been gone for so long. I already have a lot of posts planned to show you, especially some of my latest designs.
This is the sushi that I made yesterday, of which I am extremely proud of, because it took A LOT of patience and work, but in the end, it was worth it. The rolls are made of kanikama, palt and philadelphia creme cheese. And they are soooo good :) at least I really liked them, and so did everyone who tried it.
What do you think? Do you like this fabulous japanese food? Would you like me to explain in another post how to make sushi? Hope you are such big fans of cooking as me, and be able to appreciate this post.
Have a great week!

Hola a todos, disculpen que desaparecí por tanto tiempo. Ya tengo muchos posts pensados para mostrarles, especialmente con algunos de mis ultimos diseños.
Este es el sushi que hice ayer, del cual estoy extremadamente orgullosa, porque requirio MUCHA paciencia y trabajo, pero al final, valio la pena. Estan hechos con kanikama, palta y queso philadelphia. Y quedaron muuy buenos :) al menos a mi me gustaron, y tambien a todos los qe los probaron.
Que piensan? Les gusta esta fabulosa comida japonesa? Les gustaria que les explique en otro post como se hace el sushi? Espero que sean tan fanaticos de la cocina como yo, y puedan apreciar este post.
Que tengan una semana genial!

Here you can see the rolls before being cut, and the mess in the kitchen that proves that i made them :)

Acá pueden ver los rolls antes de ser cortados, y el desorden en la cocina que prueba qe los hice :)

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